Before actually printing with color, it is necessary to understand some of the factors that influence the appearance of colors on a printed document. 其实之前与彩色印刷,有必要了解的因素影响打印文件的颜色外观一些。
We know you printed a document before the EMP detonated. 我们知道你在电磁炸弹爆炸前打印了一份文件。
This format includes all of the text and graphics of the printed document. 此格式包含印刷文件的所有文字和图片。
Meanwhile, other scenarios, such as printing require a higher resolution ( 300 dpi or more) for acceptable printed document quality. 与此同时,在有打印要求的其它场景下,需要较高的分辨率(300dpi或更高)才能保证可接受的文档打印质量。
Laminating is the process of applying a film to either one side or both sides of a printed document. 覆膜是一部电影,无论是一方或打印的文档两侧的过程。
If the printed document is a book or pamphlet the printer's name and address shall appear at the bottom of the last printed page. 如印刷文件属于书籍或小册子,承印人的名称及地址须见于最后一页印刷页的下端。
A printed or typed document which usually has blank spaces for the insertion of information. 通常具有空白位置、以插入信息的一种预先印刷或打好字的文档纸。
When you want to ensure that the controls do not get printed with the document. 希望确保控件不与文档一起打印时。
A printed document with spaces in which to write. 打印好并留有空格写字的文件。
Research on the Mathematical Formula Recognition Technology for Printed Document 印刷体文档中的数学公式识别技术研究
Nowadays, the network environment has gradually replaced the traditional information environment in which the printed document is the representative. It has been the dominant information environment. 网络信息基础环境已经逐渐取代了印刷型文献为主的传统信息基础环境,而成为了主导型信息基础环境。
{ 2} Treat the printed document properly. 正确对待印刷型文献;
Experiments on Chinese, Japanese and Korean document recognition show that new rejection algorithm evidently improved the system performance, especially for low-quality printed document recognition. 在中日韩三种文档样本上的实验表明,该文算法明显改善了系统性能,对于较低质量的印刷文本识别具有一定的普遍意义。
The question how to use OCR for recognizing and understanding mathematical expressions in printed document is being studied. 如何将OCR系统应用于数学公式识别的问题引起了人们注意。
Research on the Printed Music Document Description of CALIS CALIS乐谱文献著录研究
Nowadays, the network environment has gradually replaced the traditional information environment in which the printed document is the representative. Internet is widely used and that prompt the network information resource grows fast. 人类信息基础环境已经由传统文献型被网络信息环境所取代,因特网的普及促使网络信息资源急速增长。
Authorship Identification of a Printed Document 一起涉案打印文件言语人的同一认定
Font recognition as important component of a recognition system is a difficulty to printed document recognition and reconstruction. 字体识别是印刷文档识别重构的重要组成部分,是目前识别技术的一个难题。
China Academic Library and Information System ( CALIS) as a union cataloging institution for the academic libraries, plays an important role in printed music document description. 中国高等教育文献保障系统(简称CALIS),在其著录规则中特别设立了中文、西文乐谱著录章节。
To understand the mathematical expressions in a printed scientific document, the pretreatment, character segmentation and recognition are performed, ending up with a series of characters sorted by left border. 对于印刷体科学文献中的数学表达式,先通过预处理和分类过程识别每一个数学符号,得到按左边界排序的一串字符。
The Design and Implementation of Recognition System for Mathematics Expressions Printed in Document 印刷体数学表达式识别系统的设计与实现
A Algorithm for the Automatic Extracting of Form Characters in Printed Document 印刷文档中表格字符的自动提取算法
Research on Mathematical Formulas Extraction from Printed Document 印刷文档中数学公式抽取的研究
This paper has expounded the definition and traditional managerial models of book collection, analyzed the new managerial models for the printed document, electronic publication, Internet resources and CD attached Books, and provides a few pieces of suggestion for promoting the management of the collecting books. 叙述了典藏管理的内涵和传统管理模式,分析了网络环境下对印刷型文献、电子出版物、网络虚拟资源、随书光盘的新的管理模式,提出了搞好典藏管理工作的几点意见。
Printed document are widely used more and more, while at the same time the number of cases related to forged documents occur increasingly in recent years, such as bogus contracts, falsified documents evidence, illegal leaflets. 打印文档的使用越来越广泛,而与此同时与伪造文档相关的案件也越来越多,例如伪造合同、伪造文档证据、非法传单。
Document image analysis ( DIA) comes into being to do this job. Optical character recognition ( OCR) is the core DIA dealing with either printed or handwritten document. 光学字符识别(OCR)是文档图像分析的核心技术,用于处理印刷体和手写体字符识别。
Considerable success has been achieved in traditional document analysis. However, in general, it can handle text only in the printed document, not in natural scene. 尽管传统文档分析技术已经取得了巨大的成果,但是通常只能处理文档上的文本字符,无法处理自然场景中文本字符。
In traditional sports meeting, the rule is made by Institute Sports Meeting Organizing Committee, and it is printed to document, sent to all participating units and explained in detail. 传统的运动会举办,都是由校运动会组委会制定好规程,打印成文件下发各参赛单位并作详细讲解。
The traditional information delivering mode with printed document is gradually replaced by the mode with digital form. 传统的以印刷型文献为主的信息传递模式正在逐渐让位于以数字形式为主的网络信息发布与传播。